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Quadriga dressagehorse Quadriga dressagehorse
Dressage horses Dressage horses
Foals 2023 Foals 2023
Broodmares Broodmares
Foals 2022-2020 Foals 2022-2020
Zertifikat WIN-1-17-6829
2023/6/16 16:09:31 (35094 reads)

Es geschehen immer Wunder <3 

Nach dem unser FRÄULEIN PRIMERA (von Frascino/Jazz Rubin/Donnerhall) letztes Jahr ihr Fohlen leider nicht annehmen wollte ist sie dieses Jahr die Übermutter.
Sie schenkte uns mit ihrem 2 ten Fohlen einen kleinen bildschönen braunen Traum an Fohlen. Schick, edles Köpfchen, super zutraulich und sehr bewegungsstark.
Der schönste Moment war für mich als ich morgens in den Stall kam (Stute hat keine Anzeichen zum Fohlen gemacht die Nacht) und Mutti und Fohlen glücklich und zufrieden in der Box standen. Vielleicht war es gut das die Natur es in dem Fall alleine regeln konnte.
Wir freuen uns auf jeden Fall enorm so ein schönes Stutfohlen aus dem Stamm Finnländerin zu haben und wissen das sie ein Traum für Zucht und Dressur werden wird 
Geschwister zur Mutter bereits sehr Sport erfolgreich. Großmutter Schwester zu gekörtem Deckhengst, Grand Prix Pferden, Championat Pferden usw.. Urgroßmutter keine geringere als die Vollschwester zum Starhengst Don Schufro.    

Herzlich willkommen kleine Prinzessin und danke an die Stute das sie dieses Jahr so tollen Job als Mutti macht  

2023/6/14 16:47:46 (32798 reads)

This year has our premium mare DONNA CASHI (by Don Cismo) has produced with Ellis (Escolar/Dimaggio) the next amazing filly

Very modern and absolut beautiful black filly with very long legs and stunning neckline. More beautiness is hard possible by such a young filly.

DONNA CASHI has made a very good mare test in dressage and jumping and has premium award. Also her older sister has mad a mare test with 8,5 !

Dam from DONNA CASHI excelled at her mare performance test with a 9.0 in dressage and jumping, one of the highest results of the year! She was awarded elite mare status due to the exceptional quality of her foals. They are all highly successful in the sport arena. One son was winner of the young rider tour in. Another son is with his rider a member of the Danish national dressage team. Three other foals are competing at the PSG level. 


2023/6/10 17:07:22 (31282 reads)

Friday morning our beautiful broodmare DOKTOR`S PRIMERA has born a beautiful black colt by Toto Gold/Dr. Jackson/Jazz Rubin.
More eleganz is not possible by such a young colt. 
The dam line of this colt ia is equally amazing. It is the Dam line Finnländerin , considered one of the best world wide. Grand dam is sister to licensed breeding stallion, Grand Prix horses, elitemares... Urgrand dam is full sister to starshire Don Schufro !!
Grand sire Dr. Jackson was a lot of years under the top 1 % of German breeding and so one of the best sons out of the Donnerhall line.
Jazz Rubin is winner from his stallion test and was later successful up to Intermediare. He is out of Elektia dam line and his dam is full sister to Rohdiamant/Royal Diamond Than comes Donnerhall and Pik Bube in the Pedigree and the dam line is the "line Finnländerin".

So we are realy happy to have a new colt for dressage or perhaps for breeding in 3 years out of such top dam lines  


2023/5/27 16:36:29 (31324 reads)

And the next black beauty is born this year ❤
FRÄULEIN VITA (by Fürst Wilhelm/Dr. Jackson/Jazzman)  present with her first filly by Next Level a amazing black filly .
FRÄULEIN VITA has made a very good mare test with state premium award and nomination to the Oldenburger Elitemare show in Rastede. Also the next 4 generations are state premium or elite mares. 
Grand dam DOLCE VITA is  full sister to QUADRIGA´S DR. which is so successful in the S** dressage level
Urgrand dam (St.-Pr./elitemare Jaqueline) is sister to the both international Grand Prix horses DIAMANTINA and QUADRIGA´S DON CISMO .
The filly has 4 times state premium and elite mares in her pedigree and is out of the great Walhdexe line.  

So happy about this lovely filly and very grateful that all has worked so well


2023/5/20 16:09:53 (31601 reads)

The 2nd filly is born this year and with this filly dreams come true 
A beautiful very tale filly by Raven out of JAZZINE (by Jazzman/Rubinstein/Inschallah )
JAZZINE is full sister to licensed stallion (Jazz Rubin) , PSG horses, elitemares usw.

Grand dam is elite mare and the full sister to the top stallions Rohdiamant and Royal Diamond. This is the Elektia dam line, which is one of the most important lines in the world.   

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